If you read my blog, you would know that I was awake for the whole night. Rather than wasting time trying to convince my messed-up brain nerves that it was time to sleep, it would better using that time to do something else, like... cleaning my room, taking all the stuff out of my old cargo bag that was last used more than six months ago (I hope that is no food in there!), paying my bills, learning french, packing my bag for the trip tonight...etc. But all I did was blog again =)
Breakfast part 1: Yoghurt with strawberries and blackberries, typical breakfast for a modern gal, definitely healthy and good for my system. Just as I was patting myself on the back for having self-control and not indulging in any local food. My mum returned from the market. "What are you eating? I bought chui kueh back."
I started at her with the spoon of yoghurt still in my mouth.
"You did?"

I knew it, this was a battle that I can't win. It was the good, old, traditional chui kueh vs. the healthy, modern yoghurt. Chui kueh is a kind of rice cake, topped with pickled radish that is at once salty, sweet and piquant. The unique flavor is intensified by stir-frying it in oil till a little crisp and golden-brown. One word - D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S.
It's should be kinda of obvious that I fell for the sinful chui kueh. I am glad I did, it was worth every bite!
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