30 October 2009

A Home

Taken from the book - have a little faith

From a sermon by the Reb, 1981

"A military chaplain told me the following story:
"A soldier's little girl, whose father was being moved to a distant post, was sitting at the airport among her family's meager belongings.
"The girl was sleepy. She leaned against the packs and duffel bags.
"A lady came by, stopped, and patted her on the head.
"'Poor child,' she said. 'You haven't got a home.'
"The child looked up in surprise.
"'But we do have a home,' she said. 'We just don't have a house to put it in.'"

Everyday, I though of ways to earn more and to buy a bigger place, to get a condominium where there are facilities and such. It never dawn on me that I was lucky, luckier than millions... who have no house to place their homes... for that,  I will cherish my home much more.

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