It's almost 12 midnight in Manchester, I can still hear the sounds of laughter and chit-chatting from the bar downstairs, as expected on a friday night. I am struggling to fall asleep, been doing that 4 hours ago and still doing the same thing, tossing around, flipping the quilt away and around me every 5 minutes. The room was simply too stuffy, the air-conditioning was switched to heater-mode, like the rest of the european countries which do have the cold season yearly, there were no windows to open to allow fresh air to enter. I have been facing the same problem too many a times these few months, it wasn't that bad in some other hotels which had windows. Imagine your room, with an air-conditioning but in heater-mode, no matter what temperature you key in, the only thing that comes out of it is hot air. If you switch it off, there is no air circulating the room at all, a room with no windows...
Well, I was left with the last option... to call the reception which I usually dislike doing so, for many reasons. So I called... boy... I am glad I did, I was thrilled to find out that the guy at the reception could switch the air-conditioning back to its normal mode without having to come up to my room at all.
The night was not that bad after all... all I had to do was ask.
Ask and it shall be given... =)
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