22 August 2010


I am not exactly the person with the best temper on earth, a fact that I have come to admit a long time ago. But I do have patience and it does take something or some nagging from someone before I turn around and bite his/her head off.

Well, I didn't exactly do that... simply because I can't and it would put me in a tight spot for the rest of my time with the company. I work for a company where image seems to lord over all other things. The word has been drilled into this cramped brain of mine - image, image, image!

We had to work with a supervisor, someone who does random checks on us, and unfortunately so, I have to be one of those lucky ones. Everything was good, my product knowledge, my work attitude, a good team player... blah blah blah and then *BAM*, he spoke out.

"What's with the two pigtails behind?"

For awhile, I thought he was cracking a lame joke since I just cut my hair short, how can there be any pigtails. Then I realized that when I tuck my hair behind my ears, the edge of my slanted bob tends to look much longer than the rest. I frowned.

"So what are you going to do about it?"

I looked at him, deciding whether I should be annoyed or humored over such small little thing, I was irritated... it wasn't untidy or messy, why can't he leave it be. Humans...

"I will chop it off..."

"Okay, I will keep you monitored over the next 30 days."

Keep me monitored... that moron. Life never seems to get better with people like him. Hallelujah to another year with such morons!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha... the way you answer him back is equally quirky and K.L in your Karen way. MUAHAHA... "I will chop it off..."
