21 March 2011

It's all about Cakes!

I love to bake, my favorites are always the choux pastries like eclairs or profiteroles. Cakes are something that I am really not good at, the cakes that I baked are either out of shape or still gooey in the center or its blackened at the top, I never had any luck with cakes... With a box of fresh strawberries from the Los Angeles. I couldn't help but want to overcome my bad streak with cakes, hopefully will the help of my boyfriend and boy, was I surprised. The cakes turned out quite well, was it me or was it him? But he really made the difference, there was someone to help me clean up the major mess I made! I can't describe how much I hate washing all the stuff I used, washing just simply dampens my spirit to bake or cook, so I am soooo lucky to have someone who is all right with the detergent and bubbles *giggles*.

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