26 July 2009

Crab Cakkies

Out of nowhere, I decided to try my hand at making some crab cakes, maybe I was missing the mouth-watering+delicious+juicy +huge crab cake sandwich from Houston and believe me, that was the only thing I ate when I was there. And I packed it to go for my way to Moscow too!

Well, one may think what is so hard about making crab cakes? The ready-to-eat crab meat that one is able to buy from supermarket are total crap, smells and taste bad! So I had to obtain my crab meat by extracting it from the shell itself and it was no easy job, my friend... Four crabs took me almost two to three hours, but believing that it was going to be worth all the effort, I managed to finish that most daunting process of all.

Mixing the extracted crab meat with Worcestershire, tabasco, mayonnaise, egg, parsley, mixed seasoning and saltine crackers. The final product was achieved by shaping "the delicious mess" into small sized patties, around an inch thick. Coat with a layer of bread crumbs. Refrigerate it for half an hour and it will be ready for the pan.

I can't help feeling excited with the final taste and outcome. Butter was used to pan-fry the patties and when it was finally golden-brown. The patties looks great since it managed to keep its shapes. First bite into the crispy and golden crust, the juicy crab meat with the fresh aroma of parsley, it was heavenly.

There will definitely be a next.

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