26 July 2009

Some Past Creations

Some pictures of food that I whipped up in the past, with much help from my mum, especially the washing part *giggles* And I have to thank my sis-in-law for taking the photos for the dishes, since I was too lazy to do so.

1 comment:

  1. My dearest Buddy! Am so glad u gave us ur blog, read it from end to beginning. *Hugs* Now i miss u soo soo much, and i'm sorry abt Rich's lunch! Whoops! I'll be good! Pecan & Walnut oatmeal cookies when ur here soon. =) And yes, ur food looks yummilicious, will i get to try them?? Now take care while u're in the air, and we'll catch up soon over ur big hotel bed, lifestyle food channel and potluck in the room.
