14 December 2008

Sleeping like you.. and this made me miss you

After taking on the direct flight to New York and Los Angeles, I realized I have started to sleep more and more wasn't a couple hours but rather a day. Every time I find myself sleeping too much, it reminds me of what I used to say to you, about how much you love to sleep and how it amazes me that a human can sleep so much. 

And you used to wonder why I rarely slept when I was with you, it wasn't that I didn't needed the rest or sleep but I would rather spent my waking moments with you since we rarely saw one another...

I grew up to be someone who finds it almost impossible to sleep next to another human being but once in a blue moon, I was able to fall asleep next to the very someone, not anyone... The reason why? I can't tell either, maybe my heart and mind agreed at the same point of time and that made it possible. You were one of them, sometimes, I wonder if you were the first for that to happen. Now it is over, would I ever find the next?

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