30 March 2010

i've made my choice

after weeks of thinking, i have finally made up my choice to finish what i started, it is just another year, i am sure i can make through it and in fact, make good use of it! i have just completed my jodi picoult book and now i am on her next book. i love reading her books, but am embarrassed to admit that there are some words that i came across and not knowing what they meant. so what i usually do is circle words that i need to check up the dictionary and underline words that i am not too sure of the pronunciation, in another words... okay, my english is not that good but it's not that bad either.

there was once i made a joke out of myself by pronouncing the word "satisfied" as "sextisfied", my brother and sis-in-law had a huge laugh about it and i never ever forget how important it is to pronounce a word correctly thus all the underlining and checking up of dictionary... =)

i hate waiting... for anything... especially for calls, people who say they would call but never did, waiting for messages that never comes, the sound of one's hope crushing seems to get louder with each passing hour, no one should have to bear such disappointment...

i gradually learned... that it is not blood that my parents pass down to me, but courage... the courage to smile when it hurts, the courage to climb back up when i fall, the courage to live on when everything seems to go wrong, the courage to love and be loved...

and i have learned that you could know someone forever and not see what lies beneath his/her exterior... people are not meant to be understood after all...

no matter what, life goes on...

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