10 November 2009

Movie 1... Movie 2... Movie 3...

10th November 2009, 1 A.M. in the morning, flying over the land between Pakistan and New Delhi. After 4 hours in the aircraft, 1 movie, 1 lunch, 1 Baileys on the rock, 1...

I needed something, something to distract me for the next 8 hours... As I scroll through the movie titles, Julia & Julie! How could I have forgotten!? It was my kind of movie, all about food, cooking, recipes and happiness. What am I waiting for?

My finger hit the 'PLAY' button and I was transported into both their worlds. The SHAKESPEARE & COMPANY BOOKSTORE in the movie looks so familiar... I gasped, I was there... in Paris... in the bookstore itself! It was a dear little bookstore, one that looked as if it has walked out of a blog page with its yellow heading and green frames. Memories... =)

Butter.... I love butter... Absolutely love butter.... Just like the way Julie describes it.

"Is there anything better than butter? Think it over, any time you taste something that's delicious beyond imagining and you say 'What is in this?' The answer is always going to be butter!"


So true! I once blurt out that butter is the best invention in the world and that somebody was so amused, he never imagine that any person would think that butter was so... important... and so satisfying... Well, that's me. What can I say? =)

I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Julia Child's cookbook!!

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